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Dear Madam, Dear Sir
HiChem Company has produced chemicals for several years (since 1993). We have got great experiences in producing of very pure chemicals for electronic devices (up to 99,9999 %). Except of specialities we are able to prepare chemical for laboratory use (p.a., pure etc.). Prepared amounts are usually in the range from several hundreds of grams to several hundreds of kilograms.

Prepared chemicals are tested in our laboratories. Special analyses are made in certificated laboratories (trace analyses, structural analyses, rtg. measurements etc.).

Except of mentioned products we can prepare chemicals according to customer request.

We are able to manage export/import from/to Czech Republic.

If you need any chemicals, please contact us. We hope to help you.

Rudolf Hladina



Areál VÚ Běchovice
( budova H-10B )
Podnikatelská 558,
190 00 Praha 9 - Běchovice


Novodvorská 994,
142 21 Praha 4

Mob.: 603 212 862


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